Friday, March 11, 2005

Out of the west came an odious fool

That'd be Jack (Let's Bomb Iraq) Straw, the man who just can't say no. Unles the question involves illegal and unsupported incursions/invasions into other countries. But, strangely, not Zimbabwe. I'm sure his conscience doesn't bother him. He had that taken out as a three for two with his reason and his morality.
Chicken Yoghurt has the details.

Move along people, there are links to be checked out here...

Jack Straw lying with Colin Powell [and it's pronounced the normal way; normal spelling - normal pronounciation]

Jack Straw lying to Parliament

Jack Straw lying alongside his f**king lying boss.

Jack Straw lying about something else.

It's bloody endless. Unless we vote these fuckers out.
Let me put it plainly: Jack Straw is a mealy mouthed, lying, two-faced weasel who no more deserves your vote than a hedgehog deserves to be cooked after being coated in clay.

[Oh, and apologies to John Martyn for bastardising his wonderful song lyric.]

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Gerry Kelly - Bless Him

Gerry Kelly - Justice spokeman for Sinn Fein.

So, Mr Kelly, do you represent murderers?
It'd be nice if you could let us know.
Either Sinn Fein is the political wing of the IRA or they are not.
Do you support the offer of the IRA to kill the murderers of Mr McCartney or do you not?

It's time to make your bloody minds up, you murdering shits.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sir Spam-A-Lot (second today!)

And this afternoon's winner of the Sir Spam-A-Lot award for creative shite is the owner of:

These f*ckers identify themselves as follows:

Administrative Contact :
Loebig, Larry
OAKLAND, CA 94612-2811
Phone: (510) 287-8450

Technical Contact :
Putney, Bill Hostmaster
5780 Balmoral Drive
Oakland, CA 94619
Phone: (510) 531-2412

Whatever you do, don't ring them up or anything.
That would be wrong.
Bad person!

Sir Spam-A-Lot (an ongoing series)

This nice man would like to offer great trading information, and at no cost!
Apart from, that is, your bandwidth used to download his crap.

Here are his Whois details:

Daniel Johnson,
Unit 2, 7 Cheapside
Reading, Berkshire RG1 7AG
014355 147089

Snappy email address, complete with the hilarious 'no spam' tag; What a riot!
The phone number, of course, is dud.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Intel - A suitable case for treatment

Certain things make me smile, other things make me chuckle, some things make me laugh out loud, and some things cause me to soil my trousers, I'm laughing so much.

From yesterday's 'Register' came one such thing.

Read it and weep (with laughter).