Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Don't believe the Hippies!

Before the avalanche of marketing (and the after effects of the recent court case victory) hits us in earnest, there was a nice piece on The Daily Show about La Brown's magnificent octopus.

Rob Corddry, in his 'The Week In God' spot talks about the Da Vinci Code:

For those who haven't read it, the book is about a professor who discovers that the Catholic Church has covered up Jesus' marriage to Mary Magdelene, and that their decendants walk among us to this day.

C'Mon! Who's gonna believe that? Jesus was born by immaculate conception and later rose from the dead - use your heads, people!


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sorry, I've been sleeping through all this last four weeks...

Mainly hoping it was all a bad dream. Sadly, it appears that it wasn't. But never mind - we can all give them a good spanking on Thursday. Make sure you know how to use your vote properly.

Go here to find out: clickety-click.

More soon. Oh yes.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ooops, Must have forgotten my watch...

This man works for News International. He is known as the 'fake sheik' or Mazher Mahmood.
Their lawyers don't want to have his photo published before 5.00pm today.

Oh dear, I did it again.....

[See the air darken with the writs of lawyers - or not]

Obsolete has some wonderful details on this tale of shady goings-on at Murdoch Towers.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Whoa! Who'd have thought they'd get away with it, eh? It's a Shocker!

Incredible, isn't it? An inquiry (by the Pentagon) has found that The Pentagon wasn't guilty of doing something wrong.
What a turn-up for the books! 

Let's all just take a moment to remember where we live, eh?

Last time I looked, the U.K. was an alledged western liberal democracy (with obvious Blairite tendencies toward ass-licking the States, but all the same...).
But, Shabina Begum is a bit full-on about Muslim dress codes, and wanted to go for the 'Brut 45'* approach to jilbabs and the like.
Sadly, the House of Lords doesn't agree. Oh well.

[*Wrap it on all over]

Holy Shellfish, Batman!

Did you know this?

No more Prawn Cocktails for you god-botherers, then.

Next Generation Operating System?

Sooooo.... Windows Vista has slipped (at least in it's home consumer version) to a release date sometime in January 2007. It seems that there are 'quality issues'. Not another 8 weeks or so is going to make the slightest bit of difference to the final quality of the product - that of a cheap Mac OS X ripoff - but interesting that the jolly chaps in Redmond don't seem to give a shite about the PC manufacturers who will lose out on a huge amount of unit sales this Christmas.
Slipping release dates are not strangers to Bill and the boys from Redmond, as this superb piece from the Register maps out very well. 
Waiting with bated breath? 
What probably wasn't mentioned in the marketing guff was that when they were talking about a next generation operating system, they meant that it might well be be released in time for your grandchildren to use.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Who Let the Dog(s) Out? Or off their leads anyway.

Poor Old Charles Clarke. A definate knickers-in-twist scenario seems to be in the offing. The Security Elephant is huffing and puffing about Jack Dromey's all-too-reasonable reaction to the 'PeerGate' debacle.
Jumbo said to a 'Westminster Lunch' - so, no sober souls there, then - that "you have to wonder how well he (Dromey) was doing his work". Pretty rich, huh?

He probably wants Jack to get some kind of parity with himself, since people are almost continually asking the same question of Herr Clarke...
...and coming up with the answer not unlike that of Alan Sugar's firing line in last week's Apprentice:"You're a bloody lightweight - you should be fired".

Update: Jumbo has been promoted to chief seer to No.10, it seems. He now happily proclaims that Bliar will be with us until "sometime in 2008".
Only one small problem, though, this oh-so-juicy little tidbit didn't come from any briefing, or conversation with Ol' Tone, or any of that - oh, no. "he also said his opinion was not based on any inside knowledge or conversations".

So you just made it up, because you knew the soundbite would carry a spoiler story for the end of day news cycle. What a complete fuckwit.

Progress Bar

I'm so angry with the continued teflon-ness of Tone and the Gang, that I've chosen to keep a whether eye on matters States-side for a bit.
According to Americablog, there's a new buzzword in town.

Shall we see how far it's spread this week, boys and girls?

Well, CNN have got one, sorry - two instances.

Bush himself used the phrase 7 times in his speech yesterday. and managed to slip it in again in his first answer in the Q & A section.

Try Googling it - lazylink.

Every news outlet has picked up on (or been instructed to pick up on) the 'P' word, just so Dubya can make it look as though the U.S. is forging ahead.

Like coffee in Brazil, it seems there's a awful lot of 'progress' in Iraq.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Just replace 'Washington Post' & 'New York Times' with...

'The Guardian' & 'The Daily Telegraph', and any references to Bush to that of Bliar, and this piece still works.
Funny old world, eh?

But a bloody fine piece, if I may say, on behalf on the good chaps at AMERICAblog.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Mr Popular (redux)

via AMERICAblog:

Your friend and ours, George W. isn't doing so well in an AP-Ipsos poll just out.

  • 70% of Republicans think civil war will break out in Iraq.
  • 70% of Americans think US is on wrong track
  • 37% approve of his job performance
  • 74% of Republicans approve his performance, down from 82% in February
  • 36% approval rating on domestic affairs, down from 39% last month
  • 43% approval on foreign policy and terrorism
  • 40% approval on Iraq and economy
  • 2/3 disapprove of Congress job performance

Oh dear. That first statistic is rather interesting, though. The U.S. obviously doesn't think that if a Civil War breaks out in Iraq (errr, so what would you call what's going on at the moment, a 'Police Action'?) that it would be anything to do with them. Donald 'Bad Boy' Rumsfeld yesterday said
"The plan is to prevent a civil war, and to the extent that one were to occur, to have the -- from a security standpoint -- have the Iraqi security forces deal with it, to the extent that they're able to." 
Clear and concise, as ever. But the unavoidable sound of hands being washed seems to pervade the statement.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Jesus Fucking Christ

Read This.

And be afraid. For all of us.

Serves me right for listening to XTC after too much Chilean wine.

My very best regards to WWD, long may he rain. (geddit?)

Lest We Forget (Part x)

Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows cascading down upon your shoulders
Far too many men dressed up as soldiers
The lamb is brought to the ground
Under the weight of the Crown
A crown of thorns and dark deeds
The swastika and the hammer and symbol
Are sickles that reap only weeds

Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows precedes a storm of revolution
People have no place in their solution
So torture raises its head
Decked out in blue, white, and red
And iron maidens will slam
And by the half light of burning republics
Joe Stalin looks just like Uncle Sam

Reign of blows
Reign of blows
Reign of blows has washed away the corpse of Abel,
Cain is now the king in every Babel
I just don't care who you are
When death draws up in his car
And talks in terrorist tones
Remember violence is only a vote for the
Black Queen to take back the throne

Reign of blows

(XTC - Andy Partridge, 1985)

Baby Love

Ah, South Dakota, land of freedom. Just don't get pregnant through rape, because the God-fearin' folk down that way won't allow you to have an abortion, no-siree-bob.

The only get out (according to proposed legislation) is if your life is in danger. That's apart from the matter of the rape, just in case you were wondering.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Family Way

"...the La-aand of the Free, and the home of the Brave".

Just picked this up from the admirable AmericaBlog. They, in turn, picked it up from the St Louis Dispatch. Under city ordinance in the town of Black Jack it is forbidden for more than three people to live in the same house who are not related by 'blood, marriage or adoption'.
So, one Oliva Shelltrack has three children by two different men, one of whom is her fiancee, with whom she wishes to move in before they get married. But she can't - because the local authorities forbid it.
To think that the U.S. used to complain about China's maximum 2 children policy.

It may even be against the constitution, according to the Washington Post.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Right, I'm now getting cross.

What do ministers in this government have to do to be forced to leave office?

Perhaps buggering a dead baby in front of the gates of Buckingham Palace?
Passing a law that allows the rendering down for glue of Chelsea pensioners?
Or just taking a blowtorch to the genitals of Huw Edwards? (Although on reflection.....)

When someone is so plainly guilty, and yet our glorious leader seems to find no fault?

Her own backbenchers are calling for her resgination, yet still she protests her innocence. I suppose Ruth Kelly, with all her deviant Catholic Ways has managed to avoid the swing of the axe, so Bliar, with all his usual pomposity (exceeding even that of Jack Straw), has 'declared his confidence'.

A friend of mine, a Labour activist, for whom I have the deepest respect, was telling me last night of the increasingly impossible task of canvassing for the upcoming London local elections. He almost held his head in his hands when I brought up the matter of the 'Italian Job'. He said, in pained tones "It seems that every week, the Parliamentary Party have to do something to fuck us up".
I feel for him, but not for them, as they are a wash of liars, turncoats, frauds and political traitors. When will we have the facility to rid ourselves of these turbulent gits?

The Grauniad should print a front page explaining why they decided to try to cover this fiasco up with weasel words, and well-hidden page 6 stories. Alan Rusbridger should have to turn in his NUJ card, as he is evidently no longer able to report the news objectively.

Rant over, be about your business.

Update: No, you can't go about your business just yet... the story is spreading further than even the dreams of Alistair Campbell could have conjured.

Scarily Contemporaneous, non?

I subscribe to Private Eye, it gives me some of the few laughs I am able to have at the tragic state of news these days. My copy arrived this morning, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about half of it on the way to work this morning...
...and I saw this: link

Tim, I tip my hat to you sir, and in the bastardised words of Peter, Paul & Mary - "If I had a scanner.... I'd scanner in the morning"

Please, Private Eye, listen to our plea.

Will Matthew D'Ancona soon be eating his badly chosen words?

"There is not a shred of evidence that Tessa (Jowell) has done anything wrong..."
Matthew D'Ancona,
Radio 4 - The World Tonight, March 2, 2006

More from Craig Murray here and here.

He's right - the woman is as guilty as sin.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

For Fuck's Sake - there is an off switch, you know!

The American Fuckhead Association have really outdone themselves. They are trying to get Desperate Housewives banned. I must admit that this season is certainly not as good as the first one, but please, people, just calm down.

Worrying snippet from the AFA website:
"AFA is for people who are tired of cursing the darkness and who are ready to light a bonfire."
Well, call me uncomprehending if you like, but surely a lightbulb might help in all that 'darkness cursing'. Or are they talking about how much they hated 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love'? What a bunch of c**ts.

Bare-Faced Cheek by Jowell

Job Security - I don't think so...

Looks as though there may be just a little bit more to Tessa (It's not my mortgage!) Jowell's spot of financial bother than at first it may appear. It seems hubby Mills has been investigated by the the Serious Fraud Office at the NuLabour's sucession to power. More on this over at Craig Murray's blog. And... what's this? Barbara Mills (a certain person's sister-in-law) was DPP at the time, and also a former head of the Serious Fraud Office. For suggesting any connection you would be a traitor and a communist.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

When one sees an image such as this... succeeds in making me laugh for hours.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Oh, and whilst I remember - Brrreeeport

So there you are.

Photo-Romance ... Metropolitan Police Style

Sorry, it's taken a long time to get these online...

Friday, February 17, 2006

So close to the truth

Owen is on a roll....

Any Port in a Political Storm

via The Daily Kos - It would seem that, not content with stitching up all the juicy contracts to rebuild Iraq and then being handed to Haliburton (who have no connection whatsoever with the Bush Administration at all, lest we forget) Dubya and the Neoncons (sounds like an Episode of Dr Who) have signed over the running of most of New York City's port services to - wait for it - Dubai Ports World. Apart from sounding like a particularly uninspiring theme park, it would appear that DPW are trying hard to get a foothold in a range of locations, following their takeover of UK-based P&O. For a measly 6.8 billion bucks.

There has been criticism from all sides of Congress, and dark murmurings are being made about the lack of background checks on the directors of DPW, and the potential for security breaches. But that kind of thing doesn't happen in New York, does it? *cough*September 11th*cough*.

It's less House of Bush, House of Saud - more House of Bush, House of Fraud.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

These Cheney Cartoons are getting better and better

Chip Bok has got a beauty right here.

Given the fact that Harry Whittington is now back in intensive care, and having suffered a heart attack, Cheney's spin doctors must be doing back flips trying to figure out what they are going to do if the 78-year-old dies as a result of his injuries.

Harry Reid (Democratic Leader of the Senate) described Cheney's non-statement on the matter so far as "typical of the Bush White House".

NYT in 'Knickers-Twist Interface' scenario

The New York Times has gotten a bit hot under the collar about a bunch of blogs - The 'Top 50', they call them - who are self perpetuating themselves by linking to each other.
Isn't that what Blogs are meant to do? If they have content that inter-relates, then they link... no great conspiracy there.
But, actually, it's just a thinly veiled excuse to publish a top 50 blogs chart, albeit with a nice PDF graphic file showing the linkage.
Bruce Sterling, bless him, you remember - the one who used to be teamed up with William Gibson, but then went on to write decreasingly successful books - also has picked up on this in his blog on He's not impressed. But we shouldn't be too worried about him, as the next item down on his blog is about some strange character who has a lot of pictures of cigarette packets on a website. Bruce marvels at this -"This unknown guy's collection of cigarette packs is awe-inspiring."

Well, that's nice, then.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh Dear - did Adam buy an iPod Nano for Christmas?

Mr Sherwin stands archly in the way of progress, not to say that he is bitter, or anything. Tim has him banged to rights pretty good as well.

Update: Ha bloody ha

Can you spot the connection?

Between this and this?

You can? Well, 10 points for you, then.

It's the Reprehensible Club!

Gordo McBrown really is swinging on a star these days. Apart from a scarily Blair-like performance on the Today programme this morning, he seems to be rather fuzzy on the actual role he now occupies. Which, he should be reminded, is not Prime Minister - and when the election comes around, he'll found out exactly how much he's not.

I suppose that since the imperious leader can't even be arsed to come back from South Africa to lose the ID card vote tonight, El Gordo feels he's really quids in. Git.

His stock price is not showing any real improvement, either.

Nick Assinder has a rather good piece on it here.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

And I'll keep posting this....

...until someone gets the point.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Don't go round there!

Get Me Tickets has gone into insolvency. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

Their company address is listed as being here:
5, Denmark Street
London WC2H 8LU
This is a map of the location:
Streetmap Link

From the GMT Website after the Beeb lifted the lid on the dubious practices last March...

"Regarding the situation, Michael Rangos, Managing Director of, observed: ' is extremely proud of its excellent service, the devotion of it staff and its reputation as the 'front row specialists'. While we would have preferred to be able to provide tickets for the Glastonbury Festival this year, we consider it in the best interests of the Festival that we take these steps. The huge percentage of returning satisfied customers amongst our exquisite clientele is a unique testament to the company's reliability, professionalism and authenticity. It is to be hoped that BBC Watchdog's inaccurate reporting will be retracted and a more balanced, accurate portrayal of the company be presented in due course.' continues to provide premium priced 'front row' or 'hard-to-get' tickets for most 'sold out' events via its website or the hotline 020 7240 9999.

For further information:
Michael Rangos
Managing Director
71 Endell Street
London WC2H 9AJ"

Furthermore, their domain admin contact is:

James Barrington-Brown (my, aren't we posh?)
and his phone number is: +44 (0) 870 474 8888

Not that I'm suggesting that you -

a) Go round there

b) call JBB up and let him know he's fronting for scheisters.

because that would be wrong.

When I find myself in times of trouble...

I find news stories like this, and I laugh like a drain.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Couldn't Resist

So, just run that past me one more time, would you?

Jack Straw Showing Dismay over the 'Mohammed Cartoon' Row

Jack 'Weasel' Straw has chimed in on the "Cartoons Provoke The Wrath of Allah" debate/outrage/storm in a teacup. Never one to miss a bandwagon onto which he is singularly unfit to jump onto, *cough*Uzbekistan*cough*Human Rights*cough*, Janus Jack has let it be known that he finds it 'disrespectful' for European media organisations to be re-printing these cartoons.
Well, fuck him. He was elected (sadly) in the U.K., and even though his brief is the foreign affairs desk, other countries, let alone their media have absolutely no reason to listen to him and his whining.

Shaykh Ibhrahim Mogra, from the Muslim Council of Britain:

"Muslims will respect the rights of others to choose a way of life for themselves or a religion. But at the same time we reserve the right to disagree most emphatically with those lifestyles, just as others have a right to disagree with our lifestyle. This is the most offensive thing - even the vilification of God is not as offensive as this," he said.

So burning Danish flags, surrounding foreign embassies at gunpoint, that's 'respect', is it? BBC

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy

And the hits just keep on coming.
So, it would now seem that freedom of the press is a relative thing in France these days.
So, a big 'Well Done' to Raymond Lakah, whose fearless stand on this issue shows that Western European press can't be bullied.
Ooops - sorry, got that wrong - instead, sack the guilty party, and let's all move on; despite the fact that the journos on the paper all came out in support of the fallen hack.
And, lest we forget, surrounding the EU offices in Gaza over the publication of a few cartoons isn't an over-reaction. Oh, no.

And of course, destroying 1,600 year-old statues isn't racial vandalism at it's lowest, then I really don't know.

Let's see how long Saudi Arabia manages to maintain it's embargo in Danish-produced insulin.
It's a good thing that strict Muslims don't touch alcohol, as I suspect an embargo on French Champagne might be a bit of a tricky one to enforce.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Devil makes work for idle Cartoonists

Tolerence, a sorely undervalued concept - well in some places, at least.

Freedom of the press? Well, yes, but within limits.
Al Jazeera - the 'fury' of Muslims across the world after two different European publications printed a bunch of not-especially-good cartoons; Firstly was the Danish publication Jyllands-Posten, who are now receiving bomb threats, death threats and more besides. Now, in a wonderfully 'fuck you' kind of stylee, France Soir has decided to reprint the cartoons under the winner of a headline 'Yes, we have the right to caricature God'.
Serge Faubert, the editor, seems to need to brush up on his diplomatic skills, bless him - "Enough lessons from these reactionary bigots! There is nothing in these incriminated cartoons that intends to be racist or denigrate any community as such, some are funny, others less so. That's it. That is why we have decided to publish them."

So far, Saudi Arabia, that bastion of free-speech and human rights (but that doesn't matter, because Dubya likes the royals there) has gotten the right hump about the matter, withdrawing their ambassador from Denmark, and doubtless France is going to be next, as well as threatening all kinds of retaliation.

And, just in case you don't have access to today France Soir, here's a choice selection of these cartoon gems*

*They're not all that good, but this just rather goes to prove the point.

Other Top Stories this hour:

On Dec. 2, 3,000 Muslims gathered at the Jamia Mosque in Sangia Hill and called for the elimination of Christians and the public hanging of a Christian accused of blasphemy.

Last year, on Oct. 29th, a group of unidentified machete-wielding assailants attacked a group of girls, on their way to class at a private Christian high school in Indonesia, beheading three of them and seriously wounding a fourth, police said.

Well, I don't necessarily have a bacon sandwich every morning, but this seems a bit strong.

** Update: The Danish Embassy in Syria had to be evacuated due to a bomb threat. Reuters

*** Another Update: Die Welt Online have finally got some of the images up on t' web. As well as a good comment piece. The German's NUJ bloke didn't seem to keen on the idea of the reprint, though.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Diary of a Somebody

Bless him, he's an angst-ridden student of 19 years...
And he's having a terrible time of it. Don't believe me? Check it out.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Oh, Mr Straw......... Could you take a look at this please?

Ooops, those swissies have got it!

But, just in case you don't speak Swiss-German, here's a Googled translation, which is a bit rubbish, bit I'll clean it up later.

CIA scandal
US torture Camps:
The proof!

11.01.2006 | 12:37:16

It is the first proof: The Americans operate secret torture prisons in Europe. That comes out from a fax between the Egyptian minister of foreign affairs and its message in London. The message was intercepted by Swiss secret service - and is present Sundays view.
US Foltercamp Guantanamo: More again "world standard" in things of human rights?

The hearing action
As Swiss agents fished the Egyptian fax from the ether
In the middle in the night the first sparks light falls on a dark history. It is short 15 November 2005, before half two. The hearing center Swiss of the Ministry of Defense (VBS) in room forest, a few kilometer south of Berne, schnueffelt as used and strictly according to regulation. The satellite listening system onyx is fully locked also in this night. The secret service operating surgeon with the contraction wbm writes at the "report COMINT SAT" with the order number S160018TER00000115.

Knows wbm, what for an explosive message he transfers in this night for its bosses of the guidance support basis (FUB) of the army into the French (see accompanying facsimile)?

In space, sent secretly from a satellite to the earth the message was intercepted five days before: on 10 November at 20.24 o'clock. It is a fax, which is exchanged between the Egyptian minister of foreign affairs Ahmed Aboul Gheit (63) in Cairo and its Ambassador in London. The title, which Swiss agents set over the message: "the Egyptians have sources, which confirm the existence of American secret prisons." In accordance with Swiss secret service RWS haven report the Egyptians literally: "the message experienced from own sources that actually 23 Iraqi and Afghan citizens on the base Mihail Kogalniceanu in the proximity (Romanian; Anm. D Talk. ) City Constanza at the black sea were cross-examined. There are similar centercenter centers in the Ukraine, in the Kosovo, in Macedonia and Bulgaria." Is continued to announce that according to a newspaper report the human right organization has human Rights Watch proofs, in accordance with which "on 21 and 22 September 2005 prisoners with American military aircraft by the basis Salt pit in Kabul to the Polish base Szymany and the Romanian base specified above were transported". Explicitly the Egyptians note: "the Romanian responsible persons deny defiance of all quoted facts further the existence of secret prisons, in which the American secret service of members of aluminium Kaida cross-examines. The official rejections of the Romanians were taken up positively by the speaker of the European delegation."

The sensation
For the first time a state confirms that it knows from the existence of CIA Secret Prison Camps in Europe

That fax of the Egyptian minister of foreign affairs is hardly to be over-bid at explosiveness: A state has knowledge of secret CIA prisons on European soil. So-called open SOURCES (publicly accessible sources) are not the basis for that like newspaper articles or reports of Nichtregierungsorganisationen like human Rights Watch. In the available case it concerns "own sources", as it means in the fax. The work of the Egyptian secret service is estimated of experts, who do not want to be called in particular, as "high-professionally". Intelligence realizations from Cairo are generally called "absolutely reliably and reliably" in the industry of the Schlapphuete. The Egyptian Ambassador in Berne did not want to express itself on request of Sundays view to fax traffic. To hand to him out the document the editorship does not correspond to its request. On demands, whether he deny the authenticity of the document, he did not want to express himself.

Which only assumes the whole world so far, could be confirmed by the Egyptian sources: The USA kidnap, hide and cross-examine in the war against the terror systematically their prisoners. "we used neither airports nor the air space in Europe in order to bring persons to places, where they were tortured", said the US Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice (51) approximately one month ago when meeting the NATO ministers of foreign affairs in Brussels. Which did not say it: That it does not give prisons or no transportation.

The Schweiger
Army general Christophe saucy ice needs 48 hours, until he reacts

Total explanation state of emergency prevails now also in the German Parliament Buildings - since Sundays view confronted on Wednesday the army point with questions to its own Schnueffelrapport. How is the army secret service added to spy on a friendly state? Were Secretaries of Defense Samuel Schmid (59) informed, Foreign Minister me LINE Calmy Rey (60) and Minister of Justice Christoph Blocher (65) about important contents of the message? Did the business test delegation (GPDel) of the Swiss federal advice responsible for the secret services receive from it knowledge? Was the paper passed on to the US secret service or other states, how should have been usual with Onyx messages?

48 hours elapse, until army general Christophe saucy ice (60) reacted. The questions of the Sundays view were not answered, communicated the commander of corps on Friday categorically. One inform in detail however the GPDel. Their president, SVP Staenderat Hans Hofmann (66, ZH), avowedly on Friday afternoon on request, it does not have a knowledge of the explosive procedure. Nevertheless Hofmann rates the exposure spontaneously as "indiscretion specialsame".

Radio silence also at the independent control instance (UKI) to the monitoring of the radio clearing-up. Their members - three high-ranking officials out defense -, law and traffic Ministry - all orders for radio clearing-up must examine in accordance with the regulation over the electronic war guidance. With insufficient legal standard the control instance can request the order stop at the federal advice Samuel Schmid (VBS), responsible for the respective intelligence service, or Christoph Blocher (law and police section, EJPD).

Also was order for Egypt, possibly even its attitude examined required? The UKI chairman professor Luzius Mader, vizedirektor in the Federal Office for law, rejects the answer of questions: "for the public information about the activity of the UKI the VBS is responsible." In addition, it means there: NO COMMENT. Schmid speaker Jean Blaise Defago: "the VBS does not express itself to the questions."

The consequences
VBS boss Samuel Schmid introduces an administrative investigation

Hektik, nervousness, concealing: The excitement in Berne is understandable. At the most three to four people get those of hearing report in the original to read. Important messages are converted to confidential reports, which hushes up and masks sources purposefully.

"that the procedure with the Egyptian fax now becomes public, is a disaster", says a high-ranking secret service Insider. "I would have gone thereby to cord TRACKS to Federal President at that time Samuel Schmid, that as a VBS boss of chairmen of the federaladvisable safety committee am."

Whether and when Schmid informed its both Upper House of Parliament colleagues in the safety committee (SiA), like a state secret is guarded. The VBS is not silent itself over it out, Calmy Reys State Department says anything to it and also the Ministry of Justice of Christoph Blocher blocks off. EJPD speaker Sascha Hardegger: "we take in addition no position."

Stand firmly as only, push VBS speaker Defago after that Upper House of Parliament Schmid will introduce an administrative investigation for indiscretion, how the secret paper could arrive at the public.

The Ermittler
Which international experts to the exposures say

May a newspaper publish secret documents over possible CIA prisons? On this question the UN special correspondent about the torture, the Viennese says right professor Manfred Nowak (55): "no question, naturally. There a public interest exists "(see interview, page 7). "that is a Scoop", says thickly Marty (61), Sonderermittler of the Council of Europe in the CIA affair and FDP condition advice. Under the reservation that it is not possible him to examine the authenticity of the document it admits klipp and clearly: "it is an additional indication for something, which we already assumed." The truth comes now "out by the piece". Ex-Mafiajaeger Marty, which examines the CIA affair for two months, requests the governments: "finally the truth says. in this thing"

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Cheap. But funny.

"So, you say you really love children, eh? Sure - you can have a teaching job..."

Deja Vu? Let's bloody well hope so...

OK, now what sounds familiar here?

Sunday October 30th, 2005: No. 10 gives full support to David Blunkett

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005: Blunkett resigns


Thursday, January 12th, 2006: Kelly receives full backing of No. 10

So, does this mean we only have to wait until Monday to be rid of the Opus Dei member voice-like-a-mysteron-freak-from-hell?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"....Just a Little Bit"

Well, who would have thought it? New Labour caught with their pants down once more, courtesy of Mr T Ireland.
Much respeck'