Friday, July 29, 2005

I laughed until I cried...

All these years, I just knew that Tiny Computers were shite.

Ahhh, justice is sometimes oh-so-very sweet.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Not a club I'd want to be a member of...

Oh dear, those jolly chaps at the Grauniad has gotten themselves into a bit of a pickle.
As Steve Busfield points out, Dilpazier Aslam has been shuffled out of the door due to his unsavoury connections.

Now why could the Daily Mirror have done that with Piers Morgan ages ago?

Kick 'em when they're down

Apologies, I just can't stop laughing at this. He's one ugly muthafucker, too.
Very bad beard skills, if you ask me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hey George, can you hear us?

Probably not. But then I'd have been surprised if anyone would choose to listen - it would be too disturbing.

Geneva Convention, pah!

The old 'God made me do it' defence

Bless him, Mohammed Bouyeri got sent down for quite a long time by a court in the Netherlands. In cunning legal fashion, he 'told the court he had acted out of religious conviction'.

The Beeb report goes on to say: '..clutching a copy of the Koran, he said that "the law compels me to chop off the head of anyone who insults Allah and the prophet".'

Odd thing is, I can't find any reference to that in the Koran.
Maybe he has the new Penguin version.

His sentence carries no possibility of parole. Oh well.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Just helping out..

With Mr Ireland's campaign.Religion! Jehovah!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Been on my hols - got some stuff to catch up with, but will be with you shortly.

Had to get the Quick Gits up and posted, though.

Quick gits this morning

Quick note on a person who is registered to own the domain
who claim to be raising money for the London Bombing Victims.

Yeah, right. I'm sure they are.

Ruben Hariri
Mercy Publicity Group Inc.
1462 18th Avenue
San Francisco,CA,

Incidentally, the [openlate] domain is registered to some who lives at:

92 - 102 East Street
They claim to be called Freeola Ltd....

and here's a Streetmap link, just in case you'd like to visit them in lovely Essex.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Just so we're clear...

A very nice and efficient person at the London Development Agency just supplied me with the following information:
Thank you for enquiring into the London Development Agency and the Olympic Games.

The Government and the London Development Agency have both provided £10m to London
2012 to support the bid. London 2012 have also raised around £9m of private funding
from business, bringing the total to £29m.

In addition a further £10m was made available by the Government and the LDA to fund
projects that supported the bid - including developing the Master Plan for the Lower
Lea Valley if we win and sponsoring a number of sporting events around the country.

Watch this space....I will be gathering more info over the next couple of days.

Genius. Sheer Genius.

Chicken Yoghurt does it again!

Oh, and a belated 'Well Done' to Hilary Clinton for all her efforts helping New York secure their bid for the 2012 Olympics... sorry, what? They didn't get it?... you're joking....?

[What do I know? I honestly thought Paris was going to win]

Kansas - The Progressive Education State

Which is why we should all bow down to the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I think the oddest thing about Creationists is that they always speak in terms of destruction and death. Just seems a little odd.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Oh, and sorry...

Lots of bad language over the last few posts. Shouldn't post when I'm 'tired and emotional'.
Fuck it.

Just to continue the anti-American theme

So New York (a city, I might add, I'm extremely fond of) needs to have the Olympics because of what the date challengened Yanks call '9-11 sympathy vote'?

Don't think the IOC agree, no matter what bloody Hilary Clinton spins herself into a daze saying to support their clueless bid.

We'll see at lunchtime on Wednesday.
When Paris wins.

Freedom of speech? Not if you want to keep your job, matey..

What a bunch of morons. So, by the fact that the BBC had sought you out to hear your opinions of copyright-related issues, you get fired for speaking your mind to the nation's leading public broadcast news service.
How very enlightned of Aldcliffe Computer Systems. Tossers.

Whatever you do, don't use these contact details to tell them what wankers they are:

Anne Salmon
Aldcliffe Computer Systems Ltd
St Leonard's House
St Leonardgate
Lancaster LA1 1NN
01524 384043


Monday, July 04, 2005

What a complete WANKER!

This man is such a tosser

Friday, July 01, 2005

And we all voted for this, right?

Typical bloody Yanks. My way or the highway.

Did anyone actually do the math of [high buildings + madmen in aircraft] = a subtle message from without your borders?.

Go figure.