Friday, September 24, 2004

How The Church Likes To Explain Itself

The great bastions (no, that is the correct spelling) of the Church have once again shown us that theirs is not a doctrine that encourages divisiveness, exclusion, and religious xenophobia.
Or, did I get that completely wrong?

When some great scion of the Church of England happily points out that Christians and Mulsims have been at each other's throats for the best part of the last 1,000 years, (and it just seemed like the blink of an eye since those wacky Crusades were going on..!) and then of course, having nothing apart from the usual 'we must place our faith in higher powers' kind of crap to follow it up with, one begins to have serious doubts about the surety of any kind of future for the God-botherers, and all us other poor devils - no pun intended - that could give a tinker's cuss.

As Iraq proved, and continues to do so.... it's all about Land & God, especially, George W., when there's Oil under the land. I'm pretty sure he thinks of that merely as a bonus.

One other question - Who are we meant to be fearing when the term 'God-Fearing' is used, Dubya's or Osama's?

I think we should be told. But I don't think we will be.

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