Monday, August 01, 2005

Knives Out, boys...

Irritable Duncan-Smith (for it is he) has been ruffling the feathers of the wannabe Grandees in Westminster and beyond, it seems. Just to start the blood letting early, rather than actually wait until the elections start, he's laid the axe to two fellow Tories and has said that he will not only quit as an Tory MP, but run as an independent candidate if the two greasy ne'er do wells who were responsible for his downfall are allowed to run as Tory candidates. Bitter, no - certainly not.
Mind you, having seen Dr Vanessa Gearson, she has the same kind of scary eyes as Ruth Kelly (probably as 'Christian' as her, as well). Gearson used to work for IDS as head of the office for non-reelection or some such claptrap.
Mark McGregor is a bit more media-savvy, has gotten himself a website n'all. More on him soon.

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