Thursday, May 24, 2007

Please McFuck Off, David Fairhurst

So, poor old McDonalds want to make the OED change their description of a 'McJob' as "an unstimulating low-paid job with few prospects", eh?
Well, that's a little odd, because flipping burgers is precisely that.
I've done it.
For McDonalds.
It was along time ago, thank god, so the pain has nearly worn off, but it was a terrible job! The regimenting of it's uniform and it's pseudo militaristic star-points badge system. And that's not even getting into the sub-standard garbage they laughingly foist on the public as food. Anyone recall the McSalad that had more calories in it than a burger?

Fairhurst (now there's a name to conjour with) also tries to go for the faux 'camaraderie' angle with his whineing "It is also insulting for everyone else who works in the wider restaurant and tourism sectors."
Of course this is hardly true, as people who don't work for McDonalds don't have a fraction of the negative stigma attached to them.
The BBC News online story about it has a nice little vote-me-up on the same page, and having monitored it for about an hour or so, the volume of votes cast has increased by over 1,000 votes, but the percentage voting against any change to the current OED definition still hasn't dipped below 80%.

Still McDo's have Sir Digby Jones on their team, so they are bound to win. Aren't they?

>attached. Grab from BBCi

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