Friday, December 30, 2005

The woodwork squeaks - out come the freaks

[Note attached image aligned to the right...]
Some fool called Kevin Aylward (from the land of the people who brought you Guantanemo Bay and Extraordinary Rendition, as well as carpet bombing Iraqis) feels somewhat aggrieved (you can look it up here, Kevin) at Craig Murray's publishing activities. Not that it is any of his business, frankly. Oh well, just ignore him and he'll go away - hopefullly.
Is it me, or do his eyes seem a little scary?

He has no vested interests in trying to question the credibility of Craig's arguments, naturally. Oh, no - you'd be a cynic and a traitor to suggest such a thing.

What's that you say, a conniving right wing self-publicist who sets up Blog Award competitions himself only in order to win them? I'm sure he loves his Mum really - but not in that way, no.

PS - What kind of a name is Charlie Quidnunc, anyhow?


Prent Rodgers said...

It's latin.

Leerdammer said...

My apologies. Given my own dodgy surname, I really shouldn't point the finger at others. Unless they deserve it. (But that doesn't include your good self, on this occasion)