Wednesday, February 15, 2006

NYT in 'Knickers-Twist Interface' scenario

The New York Times has gotten a bit hot under the collar about a bunch of blogs - The 'Top 50', they call them - who are self perpetuating themselves by linking to each other.
Isn't that what Blogs are meant to do? If they have content that inter-relates, then they link... no great conspiracy there.
But, actually, it's just a thinly veiled excuse to publish a top 50 blogs chart, albeit with a nice PDF graphic file showing the linkage.
Bruce Sterling, bless him, you remember - the one who used to be teamed up with William Gibson, but then went on to write decreasingly successful books - also has picked up on this in his blog on He's not impressed. But we shouldn't be too worried about him, as the next item down on his blog is about some strange character who has a lot of pictures of cigarette packets on a website. Bruce marvels at this -"This unknown guy's collection of cigarette packs is awe-inspiring."

Well, that's nice, then.

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