Friday, February 03, 2006

So, just run that past me one more time, would you?

Jack Straw Showing Dismay over the 'Mohammed Cartoon' Row

Jack 'Weasel' Straw has chimed in on the "Cartoons Provoke The Wrath of Allah" debate/outrage/storm in a teacup. Never one to miss a bandwagon onto which he is singularly unfit to jump onto, *cough*Uzbekistan*cough*Human Rights*cough*, Janus Jack has let it be known that he finds it 'disrespectful' for European media organisations to be re-printing these cartoons.
Well, fuck him. He was elected (sadly) in the U.K., and even though his brief is the foreign affairs desk, other countries, let alone their media have absolutely no reason to listen to him and his whining.

Shaykh Ibhrahim Mogra, from the Muslim Council of Britain:

"Muslims will respect the rights of others to choose a way of life for themselves or a religion. But at the same time we reserve the right to disagree most emphatically with those lifestyles, just as others have a right to disagree with our lifestyle. This is the most offensive thing - even the vilification of God is not as offensive as this," he said.

So burning Danish flags, surrounding foreign embassies at gunpoint, that's 'respect', is it? BBC

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