Thursday, December 16, 2004

So, Farewell then, David Blunkett

The fact (not in dispute, which is worth noting) that whilst you were the Home Secretary, and felt that was completely compatible with being an adulterer didn't seem to cause you any moral problems at all.

And this from the man who 'For 34 years, (has) built (his) political career and earned the trust of the people (he has) have served through being honest and truthful". Handily, that also seemingly involves sleeping with other mens' wives. Great. No problem there, then.

Sadly, there are newspaper owners out there that (rightly) disagree.
We won't be all that sorry to see you go - as you have obviously been at the same chemicals that Jack Straw was taking when he was in your (ex)role.

The object lesson would seem to be: As soon as you get the full support and confidence of Tony Blair, you might as well start packing your bags.
Oh, and at least we've only got 5-6 months of Charles Clarke to put up with; You don't think he's still going to be Home Sec. after the next election, do you??!?!?

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